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Know-how for your Marketing








B. Bernskoetter



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Projects done

Biggest Trade Fair
Intersolar Europe, Munich

Tasks: Stand organisation, communication with trade fair corporation; logistics, catering; staff briefing; organisation of reception; onsite support; invoice control, debriefing.


Biggest Recurring Event
Munich, annual 4 day partner and customer convention with 900 attendees, 2 evening events, exhibition of 30 companies

Tasks: Set up project and onsite plan; coordination audio/video/internet access, logistics, set up and tear down; sponsor and speaker management; invoice control, debriefing.


Biggest Seminar Roadshow
19 sites in EU + Russia, Switzerland, Norway, South Africa, Dubai, 10-20 attendees each, 3 trainers

Tasks: Attendee management (verifying presupposition, registration), coordination on distribution of documents, including outside EU; coordinating trainers and locations; managing accommodation contingents; invoice control, debriefing.


Biggest Recurring pan-European Event
Amsterdam, Dublin, London, Vienna; 1 day conference + 2 days of technical trainings, dinner, entertainment evening

Tasks: Set up project and onsite plan; finding, selecting and presenting locations; coordination of audio/video/internet access, communication, logistics; attendee registration; managing accommodation booked on allocation basis; acquiring and managing sponsors; coordination of evening events; invoice control, debriefing.


Biggest Telemarketing Campaign

Tasks: Goal is to set up appointments for the sales team; development of telephone script and information email to be sent out on request; qualify contact persons from a bought list of companies, determine their actual need and decision timeframe; database management.


Temporary Management
Marketing Manager

Tasks: Development and implementation of marketing and corporate design and brand conception; briefing and managing agencies; coordinating development of image flyer and website for holding and subsidiaries; coordination of PR activities; production of marketing and promotion material; organising trade fair attendance and onsite support.


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